Saturday, February 8, 2014

Creating GREAT SEO by Choosing Your Keywords Carefully

When creating SEO (search engine optimization) for a website, keywords are one of the most important parts to creating a site that ranks high on the search engines. 

Keywords are what the web “crawlers” attach on to, and use to index / rank your business on the search engines.

Although keywords are one of the most important components for any website, they are usually the elements most often neglected and / or used incorrectly.

There a few things that you can, and should do to make your keywords work and stand out.  

1. Your target audience

Ask yourself who, and what will your target audience be…Think about your website, product, etc and the type of people you wish to attract. Also you will need to decide what the primary purpose of your website will be. Both of these will come in handy when creating your keywords in your SEO. They will also become one of the most important factors to consider.

2. Create a list …

Write down a few words that you think people might type into a search engine. Make sure these words relate to your business. Be creative when you are making your list. The more keywords you come up with the better off you will be when you create your SEO! Also when you are creating your keyword list think back to rule number one and consider your audience and the purpose of your site.

Note: There is FREE software (Google keywords) available to aide you in creating your keyword list.

3. Think about the pages …

Think about the pages that you will be creating the SEO for, each page will need its own distinct three to four word title and / or phrase’s directly related to your site. As you create your page titles you will need to include the title of your site somewhere in the Meta / keyword tag(s).

4. Using your keywords …
The keywords you choose need to be used throughout each page of your site. These keywords need to be put in sensible places to prevent a “black hat” SEO. A black hat SEO is unethical and can get you banned from search engines.

5. Be creative, and think outside of the traditional box …
It definitely takes a lot of work to create your keywords but well worth it in the long run. The better your keywords, and the more creative, the better your search results to visitors will be. So being creative is a very important tool.

Here are some additional tips that can be used when creating your keywords for your SEO site.

First, being creative is important however, you also need to be selective at the same time.

Second, Always check out what your competition is doing / what keywords they are using and use them to your advantage also. DO NOT choose key words that are seem “competitive” but are really so obscure they actually lower your rankings versus enhancing them!

Finally, if you wish to use any unusual keywords in your SEO, use them sparingly. If the words are too unusual, there’s a great possibility that it’s not being searched and / or the searches to low and no one will find you. Be creative but not to the point of being obscure!

If you remember to be creative, innovative, consistent and persistent and do your homework first, your site’s SEO will be great the first time around, and pull in traffic / rankings like a magnet!

That’s all for today  … Until next time,


Your “Man in the Mountains

EJ "Big Ed" Benko
Skype: Edward.Benko


Remember, if you need help with marketing, advertising or need an HONEST, Legitimate, AFFORDABLE mentor, visit my  website at 
or contact me at

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Offering Products and Real Opportunity versus selling "promises"

Hello everyone ..

Big Ed here coming to you from beautiful Colorado ...

Today I want to write a few lines about the differences between those offering REAL products and opportunities versus those selling nothing more than empty promise's and dreams of "what if" and "maybe"  ..

First off, it's a violation of FTC (Federal Trade Commission) regulations to promise anything online unless of course it's a guarantee of your services / actual product etc - There's a huge difference between guaranteeing something tangible and simply "promising" people they will get rich, lose weight, be beautiful, etc, etc, etc ..

Every opportunities success relies on motivation / work ethic of the end user .. Just because someone buys your system or opts in to your opportunity, does not guarantee they will become active.... So there's really  no legitimate way to promise these folks "success"  -

Be very careful on how you promote your opportunities ...I don't want to see anyone go to jail or pay big fines to the Government for false / misleading advertising -

I also wanted to touch on the absolute importance of communicating with your prospects / leads ...

Internet marketing (just like offline marketing) is a "numbers" game but, it's also a "people" game ... Every lead you receive is a real live person just like you ..It's important that you reach out to each and everyone personally to let them know you value them as human (not just potential sales) beings, and begin building a foundation of trust and integrity ...  Whatever you do, DO NOT rely on your auto responder messages to establish a relationship and / or do your selling for you!

Do you remember the movie "The Wizard of Oz?" In the movie, the "great and powerful" Oz was nothing more than an ordinary man standing behind a curtain manipulating controls that gave him the appearance of
being more than he actually was .... Once the curtain was pulled back, he became just another person like everyone else .. No better, No worse -

Online marketing is not that different from online marketing ... People buy from people they know, like and trust! Never forget this, and NEVER be the "man behind the curtain" to your prospects!

Always remember and NEVER forget ... Reputation is EVERYTHING out here! it can takes years to build, and minutes to destroy!

Until next time .....

This is your man in the Mountains reminding you to ...

  • And .............

EJ "Big Ed" Benko
Skype: Edward.Benko