Each and every day we face all types of challenges in life ... bills, health issues, mechanical failures, etc .. and often times we forget how valuable just the simple things in life truly are and how blessed we are to have them ... A fresh cup of coffee, a warm bed to sleep in, a hot shower in the morning, a smile from your spouse, children, friends, a "good morning" tail wag from your dog, and that God (no offense to those who don't believe) saw fit to allow us another day on Earth!
I'm very grateful for these simple things for I know that there are so many others in the World going without
Everyday I wake up knowing that it's a "fresh canvass" and that as the artist, I can "paint" my day anyway I choose to .. I can make it a happy day or I can make it a miserable day ..It's up to me to decide what mindset I'm going to use for the day, and if it will be either a positive or negative one!
Of course there are events that occur in life which we as humans have no control over .. but again, we can accept these challenges as "tests" of our character or, we can choose to let them tear us down mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually .. Our choice once again -
The reason I'm discussing these things today is because it's our mindset that makes us who we are in life ... happy, depressed, tolerant, intolerant, wealthy, poor, successful or not ...
As children we are taught many things that often times "haunt" (or bless) us throughout our entire lives! Think about it ... were you the popular kid in school with many friends, accomplishments or were you the unpopular kid that stayed to themselves and didn't reach out to others? Were your parents / family supportive of you or did they do nothing but program you for failure? These little subconscious "time bombs" carry on all through our teen / adult lives and can either push us to climb mountains or cripple us with doubts, and fear ...
The GREAT NEWS is that all of us have the power within ourselves to overcome these "time bombs" and achieve great things in our lives BUT we have to choose to both acknowledge and deal with them to do so ..
Great / successful people aren't born that way ... They BECOME that way through hard work, dedication, and a healthy, positive mindset!
As online marketers we face these subconscious "time bombs" every day and I see so many succumb to them and fail without ever realizing that it wasn't the product, system or program they were involved with and / or promoting ... it was themselves! Their failures / disappointments were programmed in to them many years ago & have been quietly and "secretly" determining the course of their lives for years!
There's a very successful marketer online name Anik Sengal who believes in the power of personal mindsets very strongly and has used his abilities to go from being bankrupt and broke to one of the most successful young entrepreneurs of our time! Anik doesn't make excuse's or blame anyone else for his failures .. he takes ownership of himself and use's it to empower himself as a businessman and help others achieve their financial goals .. He doesn't sell garbage or "dreams" .. he tells it like it is and creates solid online business's that WORK for everyone / anyone regardless of their backgrounds, knowledge or experience! Anik truly is one of the "good guys" out there in the cesspool of online marketing ...
If you're a struggling marketer (or a successful one) I'd like you to take a few minutes of your time to watch his short video on the power of mindset and listen to what he has to tell you .. It could possibly be the exact thing you need to hear to change how you think, and proceed in life from this point ...
You all know I won't / don't promote "junk" or fly by night "instant millionaire" guru crap so you can trust that what I'm introducing you to today is solid, and genuine ...
Take a few minutes and watch the video .. I'm confident you'll be glad you did!
Your man in the Mountains ....
Big Ed