Big Ed here again coming to you from high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains ... It's another beautiful day in Colorado and as I look out over the majesty of the mountains, I realize how truly blessed my life is ...
Life is full of hardships, disappointments, dashed expectations, etc but these are balanced by our victories regardless of how large or small they may be ... it's all part of the "human experience" and basically living life on life's terms ...
We should never let our negatives destroy or erase our positives .. We need to find that delicate balance point and dance all over it :)
Today I'd like to share an email exchange I just had with one of my team members who is also a brand new marketer .. As you'll see in the email, he is experiencing the "reality check" of being an online marketer...The very same same "reality check" that cause's so many to quit and / or fail ....
I hope this helps any of you who are feeling the same ..
1:10 PM (1 hour ago)
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I am frustrated because I haven't made a
penny on anything. I also had a problem with Paypal but it got fixed
today (they had trouble getting my address verified and wouldn't let me add
money to it).

I understand your frustrations M ... Online marketing is a
"game" of patience and consistency .. Contrary to what all these so
called, self professed "gurus" would have you believe, there is no
such thing as "overnight" success and / or "automatic /
auto-pilot" income out here ....
Yes, you can make a lot of money in a much shorter time that
working the "9 - 5" but it's not going to happen in your first week,
month etc ...
It does take time, patience, persistence and motivation
We all get frustrated / disappointed when our (usually way to
high) expectations aren't fulfilled "instantly" ... We live in a
society groomed on instant gratification and I dare say a sense of
"entitlement" ...It seems the age old, tried and true ethic of hard work
is fading in to memory ... I can't believe some of the people I meet online
anymore! They actually "expect" to be made big money for doing
very little to nothing .. Sad and scary at the same time -
Bottom line is
that an online business is just like an offline business - You have to love
what you're doing, have fun with it and work hard to build it ... I take what I
do very seriously Michael but I'm also having a blast doing it!
Don't let your dashed expectations / failures stop you ...
use them as learning tools and motivation to succeed!
Stay away from the "guru" garbage like XXXX and XXXX ... These guys are the reincarnation of the original "flim flam men" of old .. Snake oil salesmen selling "bottled miracles" that are really nothing but hype -
I'm out here if you need help but you have to make a
commitment to yourself, your business, and your future . Only you can make the
"magic" happen for yourself "M" and the fact that you're even trying
tells me you've got what it takes to make it!
You just have to believe ... I wanna be rich is a solid
program that's made millions but it's a long term system.. It will take time
to build a team under you but when you do, you're set! Yes, IWBR requires
big numbers of people to hit that $50k monthly income but the internet is a
vast place and growing each and everyday! I've had days were I signed up alot
of people, and no people but I keep showing up and doing what I do ...You can
too -
Stay Positive M! Stay Inspired, Stay Motivated and Never give up your dreams!
Watch the video and check it out ... it truly is an amazingly simple yet POWERFUL system!
Thanks again for listening ....
Your man in the Mountains,
Big Ed
Big Ed racing trains in Colorado