Are you GOING BROKE on the Internet trying to get rich?
Well, here's my simple strategy and advice ........................
STOP chasing shinny things and rainbows and joining all the CRAP!
Here's what I mean by CRAP...
=> Most (not all) cyclers and cycler feeders
=> Matrix programs that promise spillover
=> Money games that don't last
=> "Instant Millionaire "Guru" gimmicks
STOP chasing shinny things and rainbows and joining all the CRAP!
Here's what I mean by CRAP...
=> Most (not all) cyclers and cycler feeders
=> Matrix programs that promise spillover
=> Money games that don't last
=> "Instant Millionaire "Guru" gimmicks
=> Cash gifting programs (Another joke and possibly illegal)
=> "Automatic" Do nothing and get rich scams (You're smarter than that right?)
These types of programs are mostly Hype, Lies and Empty Promises, and you will find that out the hard way if you don't listen to what I'm trying to teach you.
These types of programs are mostly Hype, Lies and Empty Promises, and you will find that out the hard way if you don't listen to what I'm trying to teach you.
I've been marketing online for a long time and I've seen it all! Lotions, Potions, Pills, blah blah blah .... Garbage - All Garbage!
80% of the money made on the internet is controlled by only 20% of the marketers .. These are the guys selling you their "latest / greatest" magic system that's going to make you rich for only $49.00 a month - Really?
Here's the truth ... Being successful online is just like being successful in the "real" World - It takes hard work, dedication, discipline and EFFORT - No one / No Program is going to make you wealthy just because you joined and paid them - Actually, all you've done is made whomever you've paid for this illusion wealthier!
Be SMART - Stop being LAZY and realize that if you want BIG money, you're going to have to roll up your sleeves, and do the work required to make that magic happen for you ..
Find a solid, legitimate program, product or system (do your homework before opening your wallet) and dedicate a few hours a day to letting others know about it -
Need Help getting started / motivated? Contact me - I'll see what I can do
Click Here to email Big Ed
Come with me, and I will show you legitimate programs that WORK and are far superior to anything you've ever seen online, and that's the TRUTH!
Come with me, and I will show you legitimate programs that WORK and are far superior to anything you've ever seen online, and that's the TRUTH!
Thanks for listening
Big Ed
Big Ed and Co Co
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