Friday, September 14, 2018

Forgive, Forget, and Let Those Close to You Know You Care

Hello internet ...

It's been many months since my last post and I apologize for my absence

Many things have happened to me over the past two years. I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic, and nearly died as a result of the diabetes attacking my nervous system ...  I'm very happy to report that thanks to alternative "medical" treatments, my health has been restored and I'm back to my old self ...

My message today is a simple one ... Life is short and in the end, nothing matters but love - Money, material possessions, and the pursuit thereof  will mean absolutely nothing when the end comes ...

Yesterday (September 13, 2018) I received a call from my Nephew in Florida telling me my Sister had passed away...She was only 61 years old -

My Sister's death is the reason behind the title of this post.

My Sister and I very rarely saw things "eye to eye" - She and I were very different people and over the years there were many disagreements. Our Father passed in 2008 and our Mother in 2010 - These two events caused MAJOR problems between my late Sister and I - Problems which resulted in our not speaking to / seeing one another for 8+ years .. It had gotten that bad -

My Nephew told me that my Sister had been asking about me, and even had him convey Birthday wish's to me this past year - I wish she would have done it herself ... My Nephew told me she was waiting for the "right time" (whatever that means) to reach out to me personally .. Sadly, that day is now lost forever.

Over the past day and a half I've been searching my memory for happy times we shared together in our lives.. I've managed to find more than I thought there were. These are the memories I will hold on to, and let go / forgive the negative.

Learn to forgive, forget and let wounds heal - Tell those you care about (and care about you) how you feel while they are still here to appreciate it - Forget petty differences and let your heart be open ... Bitterness, resentments, anger etc  are damaging emotions that have absolutely no benefit to you or anyone else -

I will always regret that my Sister and I were never able to sit down and talk things out. Now time has run out, and we will never know how the other truly felt - As sad as I am that my Sister is gone, this lost opportunity will always hurt the worse -

Please tell those you love / care about how important they are to you - Never let anger, resentment, petty differences (that really don't mean anything) harden your heart - Again, life is far shorter than any of us truly know and one day it will be gone .. To quote my old, departed friend "Machine Gun Jeff" .."It's later than you think"

To my Sister, I'm so sorry for all the pain we caused one another in life - I pray your soul has found peace & that you've been re-united with Mom and Dad in God's great mystery ..  I always loved you & will never forget you

In loving memory of Jeanne Louise Davanaugh - May 1957 - September 2018

May flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest - Rest in Peace

Monday, January 1, 2018

On this 1st day of a fresh year, I take pause to reflect of the year just passed

On this 1st day of a fresh year, I take pause to reflect of the year just passed to remember the good, the not so good and indifferent - I think of new friendships / gained, and remember those I lost. I take inventory of the things I did over the year that brought success, and those that did not –

Before us lies a fresh, clean slate. An opportunity to discard old negative, non-productive thoughts, and habits and replace them with new positive ones – Forget old pains, forgive old grudges. Learn the lessons these things taught you and move forward. Life is so short to remain “stuck” in the past and / or to continue repeating old self-destructive habits / patterns that will only bring the same un-happy results – The choice is absolutely yours to make.

This New Year offers the opportunity to push the “refresh” button, and focus our energy on developing / re-developing ourselves in to the people we want to / and should be.
We only have one shot at this thing called life my friends.. Don’t screw it up!

2018 is in your hands and your hands alone. Create the life YOU want instead of letting people, places, and things decide your happiness for you

I wish you all a safe, happy, healthy, prosperous 2018

Your man in the mountains